Brian Manoogian

Executive Vice President, Client Relationships

Joining Freeman in 2011, Brian has over three decades of event industry experience driving sales and revenue growth for clients. He oversees Freeman’s client relationships team focused on building external client relationships and ensuring all projects and events are executed flawlessly and on budget. Because delivering superior service requires knowing the right questions to ask, he works to make sure every client and facility is able to collaborate with a team that is knowledgeable, well-trained, and committed to delivering exceptional experiences.

Prior to his work in client relations, Brian led Freeman’s Client Solutions Sales Western Territory with a perfect blend of commitment, loyalty, empathy, and enthusiasm.

When not riding his motorcycle or exploring the outdoors, he can often be found at industry events scouting for new talent.

Brian graduated from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo with a degree in Business.

Leadership_BrianManoogian headshot
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