Freeman Adopts United Nations Sustainable Development Goals In Annual Report on Sustainability

August 22, 2022

Dallas, TX — Freeman, the global leader in events, today announced its annual sustainable development report. In the report of 2021 impact, Freeman aligns its environmental and DEI programs and initiatives with the Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) the United Nations adopted in late 2015. The interconnected social, economic and environmental goals seek to overcome the challenges to global sustainable development.

“When it comes to sustainability, we knew we had to return better than before and with a broader focus on measuring our impact,” said Bob Priest-Heck, CEO Freeman. “As an event supplier, we have a responsibility to the event organizers, the venues, and our customers, and we know our efforts and positive impact are amplified when we work together. This is why we are committed to working on sustainability both internally as well as collaborating with the industry and all those we impact.”

Freeman believes that every single SDG is vital because together they are an incredibly ambitious plan for a better world. Freeman plans to focus on the eight SDGs where it can have the biggest impact within the events industry, including: 

  • #3: Good health and well-being
  • #5: Gender equality
  • #7: Reduced inequalities
  • #9: Affordable and clean energy
  • #10: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
  • #12: Responsible consumption and production
  • #13: Climate action
  • #17: Partnerships for the goals

“Because our values guide our actions with our people, our communities and our planet,” said Priest-Heck. “We are aligning to the UN’s SDGs so others can see our adoption and commitment to a better world and future, and also to inspire them to join us in tackling these great challenges.” 

You can view and download the full report here

Freeman was the first event production agency to earn both the ISO 14001 and ISO 20121 certifications, which helps to guide and measure its actions and approach to sustainability. And, the company was one of the first to sign the Net Carbon Zero Events pledge.

About Freeman

Freeman is a global leader in events. Whether virtual, in-person, or hybrid, we are on a mission to redefine live for a new era. With a data-driven approach and the industry’s largest network of experts, our insights shape exhibitions, exhibits, and events that drive audiences to action. Our integrated full-service solutions leverage a 95 year legacy in event management as well as new technologies to deliver moments that matter.


Sean Hamel

[email protected] 

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