Mickey Wilson

Chief Marketing Officer

Mickey Wilson is a strategic marketing and communications leader who connects the dots, clarifies business objectives, builds the right teams, and brings a brand story to life, resulting in exponential growth.

As Chief Marketing Officer, Mickey delivers those innovative growth and communication strategies for Freeman. She brings 20+ years of direct leadership across branding, marketing, global eCommerce, and communications in digital media, entertainment, and advertising technology brands, both B2B and B2C.

Mickey serves as a business-critical link across the organization, leading a marketing and communications department with direct influence on business growth and transformation.

Because of her experience across a variety of industries within both brands and agencies, Mickey has a unique ability to articulate a clear strategy; align teams around a core message; and use creative storytelling to build brand affinity, nurture organizational culture, and deliver profitable growth. She uses data-driven insights to inform strategies that deliver against business goals, engage employees, differentiate the brand, and better serve our customers — all while remaining nimble to adjust as organizational, industry, and global dynamics change.

Before joining Freeman, Mickey served as CMO at CBS Interactive, CNET, and Wide Orbit, and held a senior leadership role at Walmart eCommerce. Mickey is an award-winning, published thought leader, and previously served as a board member of Girls on the Run of the Bay Area.

Photo of Mickey Wilson
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