
Banking on Success

How can you transition between back-to-back events in the same space with little time and no fuss?

For Arizent’s Digital Banking and Insurance Summits at The Boca Raton resort in Florida, Freeman helped the brand strategically align to deliver both events on time and budget over the course of a week.

One event centered on digital banking, while the other focused on insurance. By planning ahead, and working closely with Arizent, we repurposed multiple resources – reusing assets/builds but changing the layout and branding – resulting in significant cost savings. While the environments were independent, the branding moments across each experience were seamless and complementary.

To make both events stand out individually, teams utilized cutting edge tech assets to build simultaneous, LED-fueled environments and personalized branding for presentations. Back-to-back demonstrations in a theater-in-the-round setting provided an immersive environment that captivated audiences.

These efforts delivered two successful events and elevated the Arizent brand for digital financial service executives.

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