With multiple original series as well as daily creator videos and podcasts, Rooster Teeth, “the home of premium dumb content,” has become a close-knit online community for fans who love the site’s off-the-wall content and its wildly inventive creators.
Those fans are exactly why RTX, Rooster Teeth’s annual gaming and internet convention, grew from just 600 people in 2011 to thousands of attendees just a few years later.
Seeing the forest and the Trees – How RTX brought a creative community together.
RTX is all about the Rooster Teeth fan community. But with an ever-changing event landscape, now what? Rooster Teeth needed help with creative and planning.
And, they were short-handed. Freeman had worked with the RTX events team since 2012, but for 2023 Rooster Teeth needed a partner that could step up even more: leading the overall production as well as providing design and creative direction.
So, working directly with RTX leadership, our team kicked into high gear.
Working together with Rooster Teeth, our team ideated a kitschy and fun campground/summer camp theme that carried through the entire event. Trees and cabins? Mini-golf? Axe-throwing? Crafts? Check, check, and check.
Freeman developed custom design direction for Rooster Teeth.
Checklist in hand, Rooster Teeth and Freeman coordinated efforts to:
• Map out the location, setup, and tech needs — from AV rooms to meeting rooms to mothers’ rooms and more
• Plan registration and way finding, including electrical, signage, and more
• Orchestrate the “Guardians,” RTX’s in-event helpers: uniforms, scheduling, safety training, etc.
• Manage security logistics including EMS
• Choose and order all furnishings