
Freeman Gen Z Report

Our 2023 study reveals what younger audiences need to attend live events

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What You’ll Learn

All eyes are on digital-first Gen Z — and for good reason. These are the new and future consumers making big impacts on society and business…which includes live events. 

So what can brands do to prepare? 

Get to know this group now so your organization (and event) can reap the benefits today and tomorrow. 

Find out how in our new Gen Z report, which compiles key findings from our latest study to better understand this generation and their specific needs. You’ll discover how Gen Z currently views events, what they like and don’t like, and new strategies that will entice them to join the in-person party. 

Ready to refresh your event for the next generation of consumers?

Let’s turn the key and unlock Gen Z. Click the pink button to get your copy!

Let's Get Started

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