
Freeman Trends Report Q2 2023

The latest trends for event planning, exhibiting, and sponsorships

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What You’ll Learn

Mind the gap: There’s a disconnect between the positive outlook for event planners and exhibitor satisfaction

No matter what your role in the events industry, there is reason to celebrate and feel optimistic. Despite numerous challenges, our latest edition of the Freeman Trends Report shows that spending and sponsorships are tracking at the same levels pre-2020.

However, less obvious insights have also emerged showing there are disconnects that could hinder future events. In our Q1 report, we talked about bridging the generation gap. This time, we’ve uncovered the gap between event objectives and show value.

While attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors believe there is value in events, they aren’t satisfied with their perceived returns.

80% of research respondents plan to continue with the same number of shows and almost 80% plan to keep their budget the same or increase. But mind the gap! Only 50% (of exhibitors and sponsors) reported being satisfied that their primary objective to meet new customers was met.

Jump on board the Freeman Trends Report Q2 2023: Exhibitor/Sponsor Intent and Behavior to find out what other gaps are emerging and how to plan your strategies around them.

Click the pink download button to go full steam ahead with this new report.

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