Redefining Live™

Transforming Siemens at CES

The Siemens exhibit beckoned attendees into an innovative hub that spanned space, land, and sea.

Countdown to showtime

Capturing the story behind innovations that are out of this world, pave the way on land, and dive deep under the sea — all into one event space —  is the kind of experiential challenge that our designers dream of making happen.

Watch how the Siemens “Dream it. Make it.” story became a reality in 3, 2, 1… action!

Attendees experienced four journeys that defied the limits of (exhibit) space

Space Perspective

A special, rounded theatre launched attendees into space via Siemens’ luxury SpaceBalloon for an out-of-this-world demo.


Showcasing advancements in autonomous driving, visitors were able to test their skills in a real-world environment — steering wheel, pedals, and unexpected obstacles such as pedestrians included.

80 Acres Farms

A virtual farming project took growing crops to a whole new level, bringing awareness to the possibilities and benefits of vertical farming.

Nemo’s Garden

Who says farming has to be done on land? Attendees took a VR dive into the sea to learn more about underwater farming, as well as monitoring underwater environments.

Ready to launch events that are out of this world?

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